Person who sharpens knives.
Examples for "knife sharpener"
Examples for "knife sharpener"
1BBC News went to meet one Seville-based knife sharpener, Rafael.
2It will polish knives -canbe used as a knife sharpener.
3Was it a knife sharpener?
4The court was shown CCTV footage of Adebolajo buying a block of kitchen knives and a knife sharpener the day before the attack.
5And the other thing she did was to use that chef's steel, the knife sharpener, to try and force the car boot open.
1Balus the knife grinder saw him and touched his brow to Tobin.
2To dream of a knife grinder, foretells unwarrantable liberties will be taken with your possessions.
3Instead, all sorts of peddlers and traveling mechanics went from house to house-theknife grinder, the ragman, the fiddler, and many others.
4They had long been blacksmiths, tinkers, knife grinders, and horse traders, as well as dancers, musicians, and fortune-tellers.
5The Anti-Jacobin-ItsObjects and Violence-"TheFriends of Freedom"-Imitation of Latin Lyrics-The" Knife Grinder"-The"Progress of Man."
Translations for knife grinder